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pidato "PENDIDIKAN" versi bahasa inggris


Good morning every body.
My teacher Mr. Sukailan I respect, , and my friends whom I love.

Ladies and Gentlemen;
First of all, let us praise and gratitude prayed to Allah's precedence. Because of the grace and guidance, we are given health to come together of this day. Here I will talk about the history of the national educational day and definition of eduction for student . The national educational day is taken from the birthday of the national father of education, that is at May 2, 1889. So as between the national educational day and the national father of education is connect with each other.Our national father of education is Ki Hajar Dewantara, that had the original name Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat. He is the founder of the organitation of Taman Siswa at July 3 1922.He is also active in the organitation of politic since the establishment Boedi Oetomo during 1908.
The most popular of him is his slogan, they are:
1. Ing ngarso sung tuladha, the mean is in front gave the modal.
2. Ing madyo mangun karsa, the mean is in the midle develop the work.
3. Tut wuri handayani, the mean is behind gave urging.

Finally, the last slogan, Tut wuri handayani become our education slogan.
Next,  the importance of education,
Ladies and Gentlemen;
, we all have been conscious and aware of the importance of education, since we were attending school from kindergarten, elementary school until now we will leave school this, a lot of science that we get both general science science and religion, of which we know can not know, of that do not understand we can understand. For it was in this auspicious occasion let me expressed his gratitude to Allah SWT. And thanks to Mr. immeasurable and the teacher where he not get enough to constantly remind us to study hard and learn. With that encouragement Alhamdulillah we now reap the results.
By constantly beg for forgiveness and His blessings hopefully what we hope The future aspire, Allah SWT grant. Amin yes Rabal Alamin.Presumably that's all I can say on this auspicious occasion apologize for any kehilafan and drawbacks.
I think, that's all of my speech. I do apologize of my mistake and errors. Thank for your attention and the last...



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